While holding stick with Absorbent Tip pointed down, put Overcap back on. Place stick on a flat, dry surface, Result Window facing up.
The clock symbol will begin to blink about 30 seconds after urine is applied. This means the test is working.
After about 3 minutes, an unmistakable “YES+” or “NO-” appears on the Display Screen.
While holding stick with Absorbent Tip pointed down, put Overcap back on. Place stick on a flat, dry surface, Result Window facing up.
The clock symbol will begin to blink about 30 seconds after urine is applied. This means the test is working.
After about 3 minutes, an unmistakable “YES+” or “NO-” appears on the Display Screen.

PREGNANT: “YES+” shows on the Display Screen. This means that the pregnancy hormone (hCG) was detected.
Please see your healthcare professional to confirm this result.
NOT PREGNANT: “NO-” shows on the Display Screen. This means no pregnancy hormone (hCG) was detected at this time.
CAUTION: Although you may not be pregnant, it could also be too early to tell. For instance, your urine may not have enough of the pregnancy hormone to be detected, yet. If you do not get your period within 7 days, retest with another FIRST RESPONSE™ Gold Digital Pregnancy Test. If you receive another Not Pregnant result and your period still hasn’t started, call your healthcare professional.